The Nawaal Benevolence Fund is asking for URGENT donations of lillah/sadaqah for use on our non-zakat awards and assistance throughout the year including:-
- emergency awards (before any required zakat assessment).
- any awards where zakat cannot be used.
- general hardship awards for people from other faiths or no-faith background.
- continuing our supermarket/food voucher scheme (stocked at numerous local charities, community organisations and local mosques).
- our recently initiated Covid-19 small grants campaign* – small grants of £60, £90, £140 and £200 are available for individuals and families of any background, some eligible applicants may also be assessed for larger zakat awards which are processed separately.
*our Covid-19 grants are made following referrals from established local charities and community organisations/groups we already have a relationship with.
HOW TO DONATE: To make a donation to support our lillah/sadaqah work throughout the year please donate via our donations page :
For any further info email us at: